European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention (ENSP)

The European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention (ENSP) is an international non-profit organisation, created in 1997 under Belgium law (identification number 16377/97).


ENSP’s mission is to develop a strategy for co-ordinated action among organisations active in tobacco control in Europe by sharing information and experience and through co-ordinated activities and joint projects. ENSP aims to create greater coherence among smoking prevention activities and to promote comprehensive tobacco control policies at both national and European levels.


ENSP’s top priority objectives are:

  • to implement the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (hereinafter referred to as “FCTC”) in Europe by 2020
  • to reduce the prevalence of tobacco use in Europe to less than 5% by 2040.

ENSP is governed by a General Assembly consisting of representatives from national coalitions against tobacco in Europe, representatives from specialised European tobacco control networks and representatives from individual organisations active in tobacco control and/or health promotion. ENSP is administered by a regularly elected Executive Board which delegates the daily management and co-ordination of the network to a Secretariat in Brussels.


Our vision for the future is to eliminate the health inequalities among European citizens and their suffering caused by ill health and early death due to tobacco-related diseases. We want children and young people to be able to grow up without being targeted with messages that seek to lure them into a lifetime of addiction. We want all Europeans to be able to breathe clean air unpolluted by tobacco smoke. As we communicate more freely and cross country borders more frequently, we realise that our individual countries do not stand alone; we feel the reverberations of change throughout Europe. Therefore, we undertake to use the best evidence of effectiveness in policy and practice to work together towards our common goal.
